Your Days are Numbered

Do you ever wonder when your last day on earth will be? Only God knows. We never like to lose loved ones and usually feel God took them too soon. But God has a plan for our life here on earth, and He determined the number of our days before we were even born.


If you were to die tomorrow, have you done everything you wish you could have done—things that really mattered? Or has “life” gotten in the way? Have you told those that mean the world to you that you love them? Have you shown them your love? Have you forgiven someone who needs to be forgiven? Have you asked for forgiveness for yourself? Don’t wait until tomorrow—tomorrow might not come.

Below is a song written by Ken Harrell (a friend I’ve known since 7th grade) and his buddy Bill Vaughn. With Ken’s permission, I’m sharing the meaningful lyrics and his recording of the song. I hope it reminds you that every day is a gift from up above. Do you know which one you’re on?

“Your Days Are Numbered”

by Bill Vaughn, Ken Harrell

(Click here for audio) 

I spent the summer of my tenth-grade year

On the farm with my grandpa.

He tried to teach me right from wrong

But I thought I knew it all.


All the little things that mattered

Never mattered much to me,

And it took losing him

’Til I began to see


That Grandpa’s words mean more now than ever.

And looking back I wish I listened then when he said,

“Don’t let life get in the way of livin’.

Take your time and be a little more forgivin’.

Do what’s right and remember this, my son,

Your days are numbered, and you don’t know which one you’re on.”


It’s been years and miles down the road

Now it all makes sense to me

Why my world is upside-down

And I can’t make ends meet.


It’s ‘cause I work all the time

To buy the things that we don’t need.

I hardly see my wife and kids

And it’s killing me.


And Grandpa’s words mean more now than ever

And lookin’ back, I wish I’d listened then when he said,

“Don’t let life get in the way of livin’.

Take your time and be a little more forgivin’.

Do what’s right and remember this, my son

Your days are numbered, and you don’t know which one you’re on.”


Every day we get

Is just a gift from up above.

So don’t wait on tomorrow

’Cause tomorrow might not come.


“Don’t let life get in the way of livin’.

Take your time and be a little more forgivin’.

Do what’s right and remember this, my son

Your days are numbered, and you don’t know which one you’re on.

Your days are numbered, and you don’t know which one you’re on.”

 To hear more of Ken’s music, visit

My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. — Psalm 139:15–16


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