My Bible fellowship group recently started sharing stories of our spiritual growth from our early childhood to the present, and something that seemed somewhat insignificant when I was in college now has significance.
When I lived in the dorm, I had two college roommates who were strong Christians. I never went to church services with them because I was too busy concentrating on my studies and social life, but they took me to a couple of concerts at their church. I really enjoyed hearing “Truth” and “Stephanie Boosahda” in concert, and I bought their albums because the music and lyrics moved me spiritually.
One song in particular stuck out in my memory even thirty-eight years later, so I looked it up on the internet. (I’m not sure if our record player still works, but I still have the record album.) Stephanie Boosahda’s song, “Why Choose Me, God?” had me in tears when I heard it again. Okay. I bawled. I loved the song back then, but it had no special meaning to me—until now.
This song expresses thoughts that Chris had during his cancer journey as well as thoughts I have experienced since I started writing my book and doing interviews and speaking engagements. I have come to realize that God specifically chose Chris to have lung cancer because He knew Chris would be willing to write a blog that would glorify Him. God also knew long before I did that I would be willing to publish Chris’ blog and write a book to share how His love carried us through the journey, giving Him the glory. It is very humbling to know that we were entrusted to be God’s chosen servants for this task.
Below are the lyrics. If you’d like to hear the actual song, you can find it here:
“Why Choose Me, God?”
by Stephanie Boosahda
Why choose me, God?
I'm only one in a million.
There's nothing special about me.
I can't talk; I can't speak;
I'm too shaky and weak.
You'd better choose another guy,
'Cause I'm too scared and much too shy.
Why choose me, God?
You know my faults and my weakness.
You are acquainted with my ways.
Even when I do my best,
I prove no better than the rest.
Someone else could do the job
So why choose me, God?
Deep down in my heart,
I desire to obey
And do as You commanded me,
If You'll but lead the way.
But You alone can give me the confidence I need.
With Your strength, I know I'll make it.
I guess I'm ready, God.
Go ahead, use me.
Thanks for choosing me, God
I know I'm one in a million.
Oh, but I'm special to You.
If You'll give me this task,
Give me strength
That's all I ask.
And Your servant I will be.
Oh, God, thanks for choosing me.
And Your servant I will be.
Oh, God, thanks for choosing me.
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